In Bridget & Simon's workshop, we learn some different types of diagrams, to let your think deeper.
At first, I didn't get the true meaning of doing a diagram, so I just put the timeline of my thinking.
not focus on one thing to explore it deeper. so I just lose a little time to make a mind map in the beginning.( I forgot to take picture)
Simon reminds me to think about who is your diagram for? Who do you want to communicate with? And what's made you feel and provoke is a bit more like you need you to stop and think about this? He was trying to get my mind map to provoke me to have new ideas. In addition, makes your idea connective.
so, I draw some illustrations to connect my ideas

Bridget gives some advice about my type diagram that could be added to the timeline, and focus on one thing. For example the time of history about illusion art.
so, I separate my ideas and focus on illusion.

In the afternoon part, Bridget and Simon want to let us make our diagram be 3D. In my point of view, that is the most inspired part of the whole class.

because I destroy my digram into a "cycle thing". My classmate said that might not be a good way, but from my contextual thinking, my topic is about Buddhism, and there have 4 states of the phenomenon of physics: Formative Existence Destruction, and Emptiness. And I made my diagram and destroy it. is more connected with my Buddhism topic.
The mood of destruction is from "heartbroken" to "that is just a paper". My mind grew from obsessing with results to returning to the original thing.
that process inspired me that I could destroy my work and let them be the original material type.