After reading the feedback from my evaluation, I have summarised below a few essential things for the in-depth development of my portfolio and quality daily study habits.
Firstly, I have confused the meaning of methodology. I always thought that methodology was talking about how I did it, but the truth is: Methodology = method [what you do] + reasoning [why you do it]
Secondly, my teacher encouraged the habit of note-writing on my weekly portfolio making, that is the thing I need to continue,
Thirdly, I need to add depth to my analysis sections in my reflective journal and enrich myself as a maker. My understanding is that after seeing the exhibition I should describe what I 'stole' from the work of another artist- insight, habit, method, conception etc.
Finally, in my method of the portfolio. I need to use different iterations of the materials I am interested in test my ideas, do more experiments,
for instance,
1. Thinking about combining materials -
2. How to make burns using related materials,
3. How incorporate tea material, use tea as ink etc
So my next step plan is that:
Different plants use the same technique,
a. colours
b. smell
c. texture
2. Combine 3 materials to create
a. make ink to draw
b. combine with wire 1) outside of the wire
2) inside of the wire
3) tiled on the wire