25/11 2021
Oscar and Tony led us on a tour of Pitt River Museum in Oxford
The Pitt Rivers Museum is a showcase for Oxford University's collection of archaeological
The museum was founded by Pitt Rivers in 1884, who donated his collection of more than 20,000 pieces from around the world to Oxford University.
The museum has three floors, and in this hundred years, more collectors, archaeologists, tourists have donated, and now it has reached more than 50,000 pieces.
(The docent revealed that our professional teacher Toney also donated his collectibles [proud of him!!] )
Here you can see the process of cultural evolution throughout the world!!

I really like the why of the display I think I could also make the same form collection of my Fossil collection work.

When I put my hand on the handprint of this contract, I felt like a passage of time, and I had a connection with the person who printed the handprint! It was an amazing experience.
